Before you begin!
Visit the Wetrocloud console to get your API key. If you have trouble obtaining it, refer to this guide.


This guide is for developers looking to get started with the WetroCloud API quickly. Using simple cURL commands, you’ll learn how to:

  • Create a collection
  • Insert resources into the collection
  • Query resources for answers
  • Categorize resources


By the end, you’ll have queried your first resource using Wetrocloud API.

Always prefix your API key with Token (including a space). Example: Token YOUR_API_KEY. Requests without this format will be rejected.


Create a Collection

First, create a collection_id to group your resources.


List all available collections

After creating a collection, you can get all your available collections on wetrocloud.


Insert a Resource into the Collection

Add a resource to your collection using the collection_id you created earlier


Query a Resource

Query your resource using the collection_id created earlier by providing a query in the request_query field.

To keep things simple we made use of the /query/ endpoint without structured output


Categorize a Resource


This endpoint is used to delete a collection

Great, that was easy!

If you want to get a more in depth understanding of how wetrocloud API fits together head on over to the API reference.